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experts comment on Greenpeace press release about unpublished Austrian study claiming to link GM maize with infertility in mice. Sep 2, 2020 sums of taxpayers' money, then in our view this is illegal state aid," said Sönke Tangermann, CEO of Greenpeace Energy, in a press release. The environmental organisation Greenpeace has filed a suit with Russia's In a press release Greenpeace says that construction of sports facilities has already  Apr 8, 2020 Marianne Brooker is The Ecologist's content editor. This article is based on a press release from Greenpeace. Image: Swimmer in front of BP Oil  At Ogilvy, we design the brand; we turn the brand into an experience; and we communicate the brand's story. We make brands matter. Learn more about Ogilvy's  PRESS RELEASE No 112/11.

Greenpeace Sverige - ItAllCounts.org

Greenpeace International 12 April 2021. Fishing pressure on the Indian Ocean high seas threatens ocean health, coastal livelihoods and iconic species, with governments failing to act, a new Greenpeace report shows. Press Releases.

NGOs urge Swedish Agency for Marine and Water - Oceana

Greenpeace press release

For further information or video requests, call the press office on 020 7865 8255. For image requests, please email photo.uk@greenpeace.org; for video enquiries, contact marge.glynn@greenpeace.org. Africa Newsroom offers the latest Africa-related news releases & official statements issued by companies, governments, international organizations, NGOs & the UN. Press Offices Get Your Own Press Office Response to Greenpeace Press Release . 13 November 2014 . We thank Greenpeace for their feedback as published in their press release on 13 November 2014 titled "Palm Oil Giant GAR Needs to Step Up Efforts on Social, Environmental Commitments".

# Bioenergy # ClimateChange # FossilFuels # Nuclear # Transport. 4th March 2021. Press Release Greenpeace back with more boulders as government leaves 97% of protected areas open to destructive bottom trawling 26th February 2021 Greenpeace International Press Desk: [email protected], +31 (0) 20 718 2470 (available 24 hours) For the latest Greenpeace International press releases, please follow us on twitter @greenpeacepress Comments Greenpeace International Press Desk: [email protected], +31 (0) 20 718 2470 (available 24 hours) For the latest Greenpeace International press releases, please follow us on twitter @greenpeacepress Comments 1 October 2019 | 1 Comments. Washington DC, United States – A Greenpeace USA report released today, Throwing Away the Future: How Companies Still Have It Wrong on Plastic Pollution “Solutions,” warns consumers to be skeptical of the so-called solutions announced by multinational corporations to tackle the plastic pollution crisis. Press Release. Breaking news, updates, and commentary from Greenpeace campaigners and issue experts.
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Photos Subscribe to press releases. Get our press releases in a daily email digest: SYDNEY, April 15 2021 - More than 10 environmental and humanitarian organisations including Greenpeace Australia Pacific, Oxfam Australia, the Pacific Climate Action Network, The Pacific Conference of Churches, and the Edmund Rice Centre have used a full-page newspaper ad and open letter to urge Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison to commit to halving emissions, ahead of US President Joe Total includes the emissions related to production operations in its carbon intensity indicator as explicitly mentioned in Total’s press release dated May, 5, 2020, to which Reclaim Finance and Greenpeace refer though: "60% or more reduction in the average carbon intensity of energy products used worldwide by Total customers by 2050 (less than 27.5 gCO2/MJ)- with intermediate steps of 15% by De senaste tweetarna från @greenpeacepress Isadora Wronski, Sverigechef, Greenpeace, tel 070-301 25 34, isadora.wronski@greenpeace.org Carin Balfe Arbman, kommunikationschef, Fryshuset, tel 070-633 35 08, carin.balfe-arbman@fryshuset.se Read the lastest press releases available from Greenpeace UK, or browse through our archive. For further information or video requests, call the press office on 020 7865 8255.

Out of hours: 07500 866 860. Twitter. Follow @GPUKnews.
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This must stop. Become a monthly donor today and fight this plastic disaster. Press Release Health and Living # health Greenpeace releases Safe Food Guide version 2.0 Greenpeace releases Safe Food Guide version 2.0.

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# Climate # Energy. Whales starving to death because plastic garbage has blocked their stomachs. Greenpeace and our supporters are fighting against the big polluters that pump huge volumes of throwaway plastic into our environment.

This section is intended for journalists and media professionals. Greenpeace Press Release. Post date Title Picture ; 12/20/2020 - 21:46 : Lawsuit Challenges Large Fossil Fuel Project Proposed in Alaskas Arctic ANCHORAGE, Alaska Green Party Calls for a $4 Trillion Green Economic Stimulus Mar 16, 2021 WASHINGTON - The Green Party of the United States called today for President Biden and Congress to provide $2.7 trillion annually for a Green New Deal economic stimulus to reboot the economy and transition the country to a 100% renewable energy system with zero emissions The European Commission spent 32% of its €776.7 million five-year farm product promotion budget on advertising campaigns for meat and dairy, according to new research by Greenpeace.