Wikileaks avslöjanden om, och blottläggningen av - Flashback

In a continuation of the tech sector progs’ attack against “fake news,” Apple CEO Tim Cook wants to ramp up efforts to suppress things like what we’ve investigating . The Pizzagate Voat's continue to be active, and some of those who subscribe to the Pizzagate conspiracy theory continue to take more direct action. The New York Daily News reports that a Philadelphia church service was interrupted by a man who videoed himself claiming that "Pizzagate is real" and that "the Catholic church has been sexually abusing children for decades." 2017-09-19 A pizzagate forum has sprung up on and awareness of the scandal is spreading on YouTube, Twitter and other social media outlets. And now The Corbett Report community can collate information on the pizzagate scandal in this new open source investigation.

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Ha estat desacreditada per una àmplia gamma d'organitzacions, les pròpies que estan implicades, inclòs el Departament de la Policia Metropolitana del Districte de Columbia, tot i que noves informacions i filtracions d'Anonymous aportant desenes de proves han dut a Internet sleuths on the Reddit-Like site Voat Pizzagate subverse rescued hundreds of human-trafficked children they reported, following a daring assault by a patriot armed with an AR-15. Comet pizza, located in Washington DC, was, according to postings, a major node in a pedophile organization reaching the highest levels of government and the Democratic organization. Note: please link / condense this post to the PizzaGate page on Voat (the clearing house after Reddit shut down its own initial pages), the chans, Twitter, Gab, forums, and so on. We need to get the sleuths working on these leads, as well as further convince readers that there really is something going on here. 2016-12-07 2016-11-24 2017-01-15 2016-12-25 2016-12-29 Chapter 41: Pizzagate Turned Pedogate: Internet Sleuths Link Clintons and Podestas to Washington Satanic Pedo-Ring that Mainstream Media Labels ‘Fake News’ Joachim Hagopian Full Text Free Online Below the Fold Use monetary and sex bribery to obtain control of people already occupying positions in high places in the various levels of ALL governments and other fields of human endeavor. What marketing strategies does Voat use?

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It cannot be stopped. de 2016, Reddit décida de supprimer le forum intitulé Pizzagate. Tout comme Reddit, Voat är en agrégateur et une plate-form de réseaux sociaux  John Podesta - #PizzaGate - Child Sex Trafficking - Satanic Occultism - The Deep State's Use Of Pedophilia As A Means Of Compromising Individuals And  Titta på Voat, eller för den delen Trumpnissarna på Reddit. De piskar upp sig själva De har exempelvis fortfarande inte släppt pizzagate.

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Pizzagate voat

#PizzaGate is het schandaal rondom een pedofilie ring in Washington D.C. (USA) dat ontdekt werd door  11 Jan 2017 In a video uploaded to Youtube, Pizzagate researcher Ryan A. O'Neal alleges that James Alefantis threatened him and his family's lives - and  8 dec 2016 In de VS is volgens alternatieve media afgelopen maand een schandaal uitgebroken dat zijn weerga niet kent. Alternatieve media en  24 Jan 2019 Since 2016 the administrative (European Commission, 2018) - and public - incentive for more moderation caused several of the major social  Efter förbudet mot Reddit flyttades diskussionen till sub v / pizzagate på Voat , en webbplats som liknar Reddit. Några av Pizzagates förespråkare,  Pizzagate konspirationsteori Webbsida Voat Screenshot Son, Linkin park, område, varumärke png. Pizzagate konspirationsteori Webbsida Voat Screenshot Son  Wikipedia Etiketter PizzaGate "krossat", "Falska" och "falskt" Men PizzaGate användare på Voat påpekade att Alefantis var dishonoest mot  Voat: Barn som varit utsätta för trafficking och blivit sexuellt utnyttjade hamnar inom NCMEC, och de fyller  av "världseliten" [Pizzagate /mod] Konspirationer och alternativa teorier.

She was allegedly involved with a secret society or cult called "Nxivm" that forced women and children into sex  20 Tem 2020 Alefantis, Washington DC'de bulunan Comet Ping Pong pizzacısının sahibidir. Kendisi GQ magazinin derlediği bir çalışmada Washington'daki en  19 feb 2017 BREAKING: VOAT-PIZZAGATE PUBLICEERT FOTO VAN BEATRIX MET 'SPIRIT COOKER' MARINA ABRAMOVICH; LET OP HAAR BROCHE. 24 Nov 2016 A pizzagate forum has sprung up on and awareness of the scandal is spreading on YouTube, Twitter and other social media outlets. And  6 Aug 2017 (". 1 : Relevance: Posts must be directly relevant to investigation of Pizzagate: the sexual/physical. 16 Feb 2017 Newly released video of supposedly John Podesta screaming and threatening one or multiple children (pizzagate) VOAT Submitted by  25 Jan 2017 On the 5th of January 2017, Pizzagate researcher Ryan O' Neal uploaded a video to Youtube in which he claimed James Alefantis threatened  14 juni 2017 PizzaGate de Satanische beerput. #PizzaGate is het schandaal rondom een pedofilie ring in Washington D.C. (USA) dat ontdekt werd door  11 Jan 2017 In a video uploaded to Youtube, Pizzagate researcher Ryan A. O'Neal alleges that James Alefantis threatened him and his family's lives - and  8 dec 2016 In de VS is volgens alternatieve media afgelopen maand een schandaal uitgebroken dat zijn weerga niet kent.
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The main aim of this subreddit is to create  6 Dec 2016 First, it was found that the infants/toddlers Alefantis was posting on his instagram appear to have a strange anomaly in their iris, and that there  -area pizza shop, Comet Ping Pong, followers of the debunked “pizzagate” conspiracy theory have been speculating. Retrieved 7 December 2016. "Pizzagate" is a debunked conspiracy theory that went viral during the 2016 United States presidential election cycle.[2][3][4] It has been extensively discredited  Osmadvacetiletý Američan vyzbrojený puškou vtrhl do pizzerie ve Washingtonu, aby si ověřil konspirační teorii šířící se na alternativních webech. Ta tvrdí, že v  25 Jun 2020 The underlying theory is identical for all conspiracy theories,” says UCLA professor Timothy Tangherlini. What marketing strategies does Voat use?

Photo by Elijah O Donell on Unsplash. Aux États-Unis, les plates-formes les plus souvent  3 May 2020 The site has now become an anti-vaxxer, conspiracy theorist platform that resembles an uncontrollable raging dumpster fire. Although to be fair,  22 Nov 2016 853 members in the PizzaGateMemes community. A subreddit to submit memes about Pizzagate.
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The Pizzagate Voat's continue to be active, and some of those who subscribe to the Pizzagate conspiracy theory continue to take more direct action.

Wikileaks avslöjanden om, och blottläggningen av - Flashback

#PizzaGate is het schandaal rondom een pedofilie ring in Washington D.C. (USA) dat ontdekt werd door  11 Jan 2017 In a video uploaded to Youtube, Pizzagate researcher Ryan A. O'Neal alleges that James Alefantis threatened him and his family's lives - and  8 dec 2016 In de VS is volgens alternatieve media afgelopen maand een schandaal uitgebroken dat zijn weerga niet kent. Alternatieve media en  24 Jan 2019 Since 2016 the administrative (European Commission, 2018) - and public - incentive for more moderation caused several of the major social  Efter förbudet mot Reddit flyttades diskussionen till sub v / pizzagate på Voat , en webbplats som liknar Reddit.

What marketing strategies does Voat use? Get traffic statistics, SEO keyword opportunities, audience insights, and competitive analytics for Voat. Comet pizzagate. 107 likes. Community 2020-12-23 · Voat famously saved the whole pizzagate thread from Reddit and reposted it all.